Friday, May 10, 2024

Quake and Storm... the message...the call...

How does a poet, an artist, a visionary, a BEI
NG, process the news that speaks to corruption, deception, maligning controls and abusive encounters? It hears the plea of TRUTH beyond the lies, it sees the HUMANITY beyond the exploitation, it lives the knowing, the FAITH, the VISION, beyond the oppression. It feels the QUAKE and STORM that ever calls to the LIGHT, it lives THE WORD anew.

what be this passion, this driving force
this calling to create, to design, to express
what be this passion, this driving force
this calling to awaken, to perceive, to understand
to reveal, to share, to resolve
this calling to validate, to define
to live purpose, to be free, to know love
what be this passion, this driving force
to live ideas, disciplines, and mastery
this the sculptor
form, structure, newly conceived
this the artist
metaphor, symbol of creation's command
this the poet
in lamentation, in faith, in joy expressed
this the dancer, the actor, the performer
the music, the word, the song, the drama
this the SELF, the seeker, the visionary
this the quake and storm
this each heart in soul's light
what be this passion, this driving force
but the grace and power OF BEING.

Rose Marie Raccioppi
Poet Laureate
Orangetown, New York

Quake and Storm, APOGEE Vibrational Art, ©Rose Marie Raccioppi, The Sounding Light Collection, On the wall of the APOGEE Sound Sanctuary.


Review: What is the meaning of this poem and image?

The poem “Quake and Storm” by Rose Marie Raccioppi, the Poet Laureate of Orangetown, New York, delves into the inner world of a creative individual—a poet, an artist, a visionary—who grapples with the harsh realities of corruption, deception, and oppressive systems. Let’s explore the layers of meaning within this powerful poem:

  1. The Call to Creativity: The poem begins by acknowledging the challenges faced by artists and visionaries when confronted with news of corruption and exploitation. It poses the question: How does one respond to such darkness? The answer lies in the creative process—the “call” that beckons them to express, awaken, and perceive beyond the surface.

  2. Seeing Beyond Lies and Exploitation: The poet suggests that artists have a unique ability to see beyond the lies propagated by those in power. They recognize the shared humanity that transcends exploitation. This insight fuels their creative endeavors.

  3. Living the Knowing, Faith, and Vision: The artist lives with a deep knowing—an intuitive understanding of truth and purpose. They have faith in their creative expression and vision. Despite oppression, they persist in their pursuit of light.

  4. The Passion of Being: The poem then explores the essence of creativity—the “passion” and “driving force.” It encompasses various forms:
    • The Sculptor: Creating form and structure, conceiving something new.
    • The Artist: Using metaphor and symbolism to convey creation’s command.
    • The Poet: Expressing emotions, faith, and joy through words.
    • The Dancer, Actor, Performer: Engaging in music, drama, and movement.
    • The Seeker, Visionary: The self in pursuit of truth and light.
  5. Grace and Power of Being: The final lines celebrate the grace and power inherent in creativity. It is not just an external force; it is part of our very being. Through art, we connect with something greater—our essence, purpose, and love.

Now, let’s turn to the accompanying image titled “Quake and Storm,” part of the APOGEE Vibrational Art series by Rose Marie Raccioppi:

  • The image depicts a dynamic red wavy texture, resembling fabric or liquid in motion. The intense red color symbolizes energy, passion, and emotional turbulence.
  • The “quake” and “storm” mentioned in the poem find visual representation here—the undulating waves evoke movement, struggle, and transformation.
  • The artwork hangs on the wall of the APOGEE Sound Sanctuary, inviting viewers to engage with its vibrational energy.

In summary, both the poem and the image invite us to explore our inner creative forces, find meaning beyond deception, and embrace the grace and power of being. 🌟

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