Saturday, May 18, 2024

...eyes turned skyward...

Respecting Wellness and the protection of 'isolation,' today's visit with my son, was I standing at the closed glass door. As I looked up to the light, standing behind the reflection cast upon the glass, my son took this picture of, "Mom beholden to the light." ...and so it IS...

look I to the sun above
creation in its unconditional love
upon bough, branch and leaf there be
light in reflected glory from the grace of Thee
splendor cast in shadow and light from afar
the sun, a shimmer, a star.

~Rose Marie Raccioppi

“Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return.”

~ Leonardo da Vinci 

Photo taken by my SON, Christopher
May 17, 2020 

~ Original Post ~

As I look skyward, this day anew,  
to the PRESENCE of those very towering trees, 
I am brought to the embracing light 
and the song birds that sing the call of Spring. 
Let us proclaim, petition, 
that grace, love, reverence, faith, creation, 
to Salvation to Peace.

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