Thursday, May 29, 2014

Poetic Interludes...

Stillness in Motion

Celebratory be each particle, each wave in breath divine
Pulsing be the breath that holds to this rhythm of time
Line, form, structure, upon surface be they now known
Stillness in Motion within light upon heart be shown.

Rose Marie Raccioppi
Poet Laureate
Orangetiwn, New York


Dancing Leaves...

Branch and bough
Each budding leaf in the wake of season's vow
Its dance with the wind, its glory in the sun
Its whispering grace, life, beauty, being as ONE
Each leaf to dance and sing its WORD
In blessed silence an aria be heard.

Rose Marie Raccioppi
Poet Laureate
Orangetown, New York

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

The NOW of Yesterday

The pulsing, sounding, recording within our heart
From which memory and sentiment have their start
Of dear loved ones who once filled our day
Their souls taken to another path, to the eternal way
We share gestures kind and hold to grace
And within our BEING love we place
Memorial Day in reflection of sacrifice and noble deed
Freedom's cry, ever a a touching living creed
This day, the NOW of Yesterday we yet share
For timeless be each heart's loving care
Life with God's blessings shall ever prevail
'Tis the vision of freedom and valor within souls we hail.

Rose Marie Raccioppi
Poet Laureate
Orangetown, New York

Image: The Wall of Names, Google Search.

Friday, May 23, 2014


The Lions of Blauvelt will be presenting a MEMORIAL DAY Tribute to our Veterans, Monday, May 26th at 12:00 PM, Blauvelt Lions Park, Blauvelt, New York.  It was requested that I present an original poem, as I have in past years. I wanted this to be a poetic dialogue echoing the words of our community. I requested that the Lions simply send on to me any word that came to heart when reflecting on our Veterans. And so this ... MEMORIAL DAY 2014.


Memorial be this day defined
Memorial be our grace in knowing divine
Each letter calls to heart from which grace resounds
Within each word an awakening abounds
The gifts of LIFE with vision blessed and bold
This the giving within each Veteran's story told
Loyalty, dedication, ascending care be they known
This in valor by our sons and daughters shown
In commune our chorus of heart be heard
Within be known the calling of THE WORD
Courage, to hold to freedom's light
Perseverance, to face the challenges each day each night
Fortitude, strength imbued with noble deed
Sacrifices in the name of God and freedom's creed
Families, sons and daughters, husbands and wives
A community of people gathered are we
In homage to each Veteran
Be known Freedom's call from sea to sea
Be known Freedom's call from sea to sea.

Rose Marie Raccioppi
Poet Laureate
Orangetown, New York

Monday, May 19, 2014

ART and Poetic Dialogue by Rose Marie Raccioppi, Poet Laureate, a presentation in support of Arts Education...

Rose Marie Raccioppi, Poet Laureate
Presentation at The Union Arts Center, Sparkill, New York
Blue Rock School Fundraising Gala
May 17, 2014

To the left,  Rose Marie at podium in poetic dialogue. 
To the right,  on the easel, the art work, Dreams Enfold.

Is it

Is it brush in hand and thought in heart
From which this painting has its start
Where comes this call I hear as mine
Word, color and form these gifts of time
Is it the Muse that summons the soul
Beauty be the quest, beauty be the goal
And when in completion a work is to be
Is it the Muse I hear in joyful reverie
Is it Truth that anoints each new day
With the knowing path of the spirit's way
Ever present this reach to do and create
Welcome I Truth, the Muse, Destiny and Fate
God be known in what I receive and give
This be the decree for each moment I live
Is it when faith and knowing jointly resound
That God and the Muse so freely are found
So be it brush or pen in heart, mind or hand
It is to be in the Creator's fullest command.

Rose Marie Raccioppi

Our truest life is when we are in dreams awake.
Henry David Thoreau

Dreams Enfold

we gave a cry and all rejoiced for this our birth complete
we are our first steps greeted with open arms
our first word that brought an admiring smile...

trace the years and their memories await anew
a montage, a kaleidoscope, of one's life view
sounds, impressions, of place time and moments sweet
where our dreams and our days come to meet
praise, punishment, joy and pain come to define
a life known as rightly yours, a life lived as mine
and what brings reason to pause this very day
but the wondrous Creation given by Life along its way
a sculpture unveiled and all in AWE and PRAISE
for what each has brought to their ennobled days
and then a painting, a poem, an endearing embrace
upon a time line of memories now they to place
decades of moons have brought mystery and delight
magical be this waxing and waning of Creation's light
and so this heart, this soul, in time's grasp and claim
be held in the spirit and glory of our Creator's name
be it of yesterdays or days yet, and dreams enfold
each new gaze, a breath, a sigh, be this our story told.

Rose Marie Raccioppi
Poet Laureate
Orangetown, New York

Dreams Enfold, APOGEE Vibrational Art,

At the Silent Auction three of my works of Art were auctioned, 
and now each enjoy a new abode.

Awakened Faith


Grace Be Faith

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

This Moment...

This moment...

Such gifts this moment does bring
The sound, the feel, the glory of Spring
Serenade of the song bird song
From the depths of night to the new dawn
Welcomed melodies ever divine
Within this moment the splendor of time.

Rose Marie Raccioppi
Poet Laureate
Orangetown, New York

Photo Credit: ecesema, Antique Brass Compass Sundial and World Time.

Saturday, May 10, 2014





The eagle soars
And known be the spirit of flight
The eagle nests
And known be the caring light
Ever present the discerning vision
And the knowing wise
The light of sun, rising current
Thermals lifting wings to the skies
So too, Matthew Fascaldi
In honor this day
Lives he the symbolism in his most reverent way
With purpose and intent goals nobly he did define
A vision, a fulfillment in service held divine
And so here presented, A Commemorative Silver Coin
To mark this very day
For the gift of soaring spirit
Matthew has brought our way.

May 10, 2014

Rose Marie Raccioppi
Poet Laureate
Orangetown, New York

In time for this year’s season, Eagle Scout Matt Fascaldi and Troop 97 built raised vegetable beds in the garden. The facility is expected to help yield additional fresh produce, enabling people with all ranges of abilities to plant, tend and harvest produce.

Matthew Fascaldi expresses his gratitude at today's Eagle Scout Celebration