Saturday, May 28, 2016

Memorial Day, 2016

A presentation by Rose Marie Raccioppi, Poet Laureate, Orangetown, New York at the Memorial Day Community Event, Lion’s Park, Blauvelt, New York, Monday, May 30th 2016 at the noon hour.

Memorial Day,  2016

Today, Memorial Day, gives special meaning to the words THANK YOU ... for it is life given and freedoms won that we hold in gratitude. What is endured by our Veterans can only be known by them. We are to embrace and honor their needs. Yes, we are to provide the ultimate of understanding and support for their return home, be it to heaven’s door or earth’s abode,  we ever in expression of our abiding love.
Abiding LOVE ... heart to heart…. 

heart prayer, an inner light, a flame
passion, faith and truth in glory name
this sounding PRESENCE be it in PRAISE
for the treasure of time and blessed days
a body, a mind, a spirit, a soul
a life in pursuit of purpose, a vision, a goal
hold to the light of souls in heavens above
live the majesty of PRESENCE and abiding LOVE.

Heartfelt be these words and remembrances. Heartfelt be the sacrifices, the loss, the vision, the victory, the freedoms to prevail.

So this be known…

And they who for country and freedom in battle perish
We to weep and in loving memory with gratitude cherish
For each life that was lives in God's embrace sublime
Ever blessed be their souls in soaring grace divine
The pulsing, sounding, recording within our heart
From which memory and sentiment have their start
Of dearly loved ones who once filled our day
Their souls taken to another path, to the eternal way
We share gestures and words that lovingly hold to grace
And within our BEING it is tenderness we place
All in reflection of sacrifice and noble deed
The cry of Freedom, ever our living creed
The gifts of LIFE with vision blessed and bold
This the giving within each Veteran's story told
Loyalty, dedication, ascending care be they known
This in valor by our sons and daughters shown
Courage to hold to freedom's call and light
In perseverance the challenge be it day or night
Fortitude, strength, imbued with heart's noble call
Sacrifices of body, limb, in this a growing toll
To hold resolve and endure all claim
To fire the passion beyond the pain
For those given to liberation and freedom's call
Blessed Be they who have given their All 
It is resolve that humanity calls to be known
Within the grasps of faith, love and TRUTH be shown
This day, the NOW of yesterday we devotedly share
For timeless be each heart's deeply felt care
Life with God's blessings shall ever prevail
'Tis the vision of freedom and valor within souls we hail
Symbols of spirit, our flag, a wreath, an eagle in flight
This in reflection of faith and God’s gift of loving light
Declaration of Independence, Constitutional Rights ever to preserve
And so the glory of those who devotedly and honorably serve
The dream yet dreamed shall unfold
And PEACE to be the story told
This gift of knowing to mark the rising way
And we in tribute give honor this Memorial Day.

Rose Marie Raccioppi
Poet Laureate
Orangetown, New York

Monday, May 23, 2016

Afar a Black Bird

The songbird song heard
So sweet be this touch of sound
The clear blue sky with whispers of grace
Bright, clear, warming sun
Felt be these rays of love from source
Fresh fragrance of bloom, trees in floral array
The caress of the calm wind upon my face
Ambrosial quietude
The shimmering dance of light upon leaves 
Afar a black bird perched on a high wire
Such be the savor of time, distance and PRESENCE.

Rose Marie Raccioppi
Poet Laureate
Orangetown, New York

Friday, May 20, 2016

At the noon hour of BEING

How welcomed is this sky, so clear, so brilliantly blue
Felt is the bounty of grace
The love that is
The unity of purpose
The eternal  expressed
The sun in its  enfold of all
The touch of the gentle wind
The soaring of wings in flight
How welcomed is this sky, so clear, so brilliantly blue
This at the noon hour of BEING.

Rose Marie Raccioppi
Poet Laureate
Orangetown, New York