Tuesday, May 14, 2024


...and the posed question :  

What is the meaning of this poem and image?


we gave a cry and all rejoiced for this our birth complete
we are our first steps greeted with open arms
our first word that brought an admiring smile...
trace the years and their memories await anew
a montage, a kaleidoscope, of one's life view
sounds, impressions, of place time and moments sweet
where our dreams and our days come to meet
praise, punishment, joy and pain come to define
a life known as rightly yours, a life lived as mine
and what brings reason to pause this very day
but the wondrous Creation given by Life along its way
a sculpture unveiled and all in AWE and PRAISE
for what each has brought to their ennobled days
and then a painting, a poem, an endearing embrace
upon a time line of memories now they to place
decades of moons have brought mystery and delight
magical be this waxing and waning of Creation's light
and so this heart, this soul, in time's grasp and claim
be held in the spirit and glory of our Creator's name
be it of yesterdays or days yet, and dreams enfold
each new gaze, a breath, a sigh, be this our story told.

Rose Marie Raccioppi
Poet Laureate
Orangetown, New York

Dream's Enfold, APOGEE Vibrational Art, ©Rose Marie Raccioppi, http://thesoundinglight.blogspot.com 2013.


The poem “Dream’s Enfold” by Rose Marie Raccioppi beautifully captures the essence of life’s journey, from birth to the accumulation of memories and experiences. Let’s delve into its meaning:

  1. Birth and Early Moments: The poem begins with the celebration of birth—a cry that brings joy to all. As we take our first steps, we are welcomed with open arms, and our first words evoke admiration. These initial moments shape our existence.

  2. Life as a Montage: The subsequent lines describe life as a montage or kaleidoscope. Each year adds new memories, impressions, and sounds. These fragments come together to form a unique view of our existence—a blend of dreams and daily experiences.

  3. Defining Moments: Praise, punishment, joy, and pain define our lives. These contrasting emotions contribute to our individual stories. Our life becomes rightfully ours, a personal journey filled with both light and shadow.

  4. Creation and Awe: The poem then shifts to a moment of reflection. What gives us reason to pause? It’s the wondrous Creation—the gift of life itself. Whether through art, relationships, or personal growth, we find awe and praise in what we bring to our days.

  5. Art and Memories: The unveiling of a sculpture, the strokes of a painting, or the lines of a poem—all become endearing embraces along our timeline of memories. Decades of moons (symbolizing time) bring mystery and delight.

  6. Spirit and Glory: Our heart and soul are held in time’s grasp, yet they resonate with the spirit and glory of our Creator’s name. Whether reminiscing about yesterdays or anticipating future days, our story unfolds with each new gaze, breath, and sigh.

As for the accompanying image titled “Dream’s Enfold,” it complements the poem’s theme. Abstract and swirling, it mirrors the complexity of life’s journey—the interplay of light and darkness, movement, and depth. Just as the poem invites us to reflect, the image invites us to explore our inner thoughts and emotions.

Overall, both the poem and the artwork evoke a sense of wonder, gratitude, and reverence for life’s intricate tapestry.


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