Awakened sensibilities
A divine frenzy
Colors of splendor
Sounding of passion
The music, the music
Keys, strings
Voice the moment
The quest of BEING
Embraced by sounding drama
Lilting waves of resolve
The music, the music
The calm
The crescendo
The cresting light
The silent spaces
The emptiness
The music, the music
And I in its embrace
In its beckoning call
In its sounding splendor
In its soulful search
In its grasping quest
The music, the music.
Rose Marie Raccioppi
Poet Laureate
Soiree Society of the Arts
In Tribute
to the performances of
Paul Barnes, piano
September 5, 2009
Sean Riley, violin; Irene Florence Wong, piano
September 12, 2009
Michael Shinn, piano
September 19, 2009
Andy Feldbau, piano
October 3, 2009
Performances Extraordinaire.
Soiree Society of the Arts
Astronomy Picture of the Day
Orion Nebula
Special Announcement:
Read the Review of The Wind and the Willow
Now available in hardcover (ISBN: HARDCOVER51536) and softcover (ISBN: 1-60474-454-5)
directly from Publish America.
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I love the passion in this poem Rose Marie! thank you! :)
Rain, and it was the passion that moved me to expression.
Much love, Rose Marie
Oh my RoseMarie-
This is SO powerful - the words - the spoken sounds - that allow your reader to "hear" what they "hear" - my crescendo is mine and my silences and gaps are deafening in their moment filled with anticipation of the next chord or vibrato or drum - oh yes, the music, the music - as you know we are musicians, I am a drummer, my husband a pianist, guitarist, singer/songwriter - oh yes, the music, the music - it has saved us in times of deep sadness, it has celebrated us in times of great joy, it has soothed us in times of anxiety,, heightened us in times of distance, - and then there is my song, his song our song together - oh yes, the music, the music..............
Love to you
I love all your poems but this one is special, it has touched my heart and takes me to so many wonderful places remembering through the music and how I felt.......:-) Hugs
Gail, I too drum! As I read your comment I too, felt the music present between us. A Blog Jam Session in the making! Love, love, Rose Marie
Bernie, I so appreciate the depth of your sensibilities. Your sensibilities are so beautifully reflected on your blog and in the comments you so graciously post here. It is joyful to know that you possess, "The Wind and The Willow." Thank you for your friendship and love. Big HUGS back to you.
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