The Poet’s Pulse
The cadent throbbing silent and heard
The pulsing hidden and seen
Emotions held and free
The panting of the poet’s palette
Words of color, hue, mood and timbre
Sonorous images of light
Orchestrated upon the page
So tolls the poet’s pulse.
Rose Marie Raccioppi
Image, Pool Pulse, Museum of Science, Boston, April 23 - 29, 2007
"Throughout the ages, the language of poetry has held a special power to lend us courage, to give us the vision of those who endured and to hazard ourselves boldly in the world we must inhabit. The insights and imagery of poetry can take us beyond any small perimeter we have made for ourselves and call us to look life straight in the eyes. Once we establish ourselves at this conversational frontier, we find ourselves living amidst revelation, the recipients of visible and invisible help we could not previously recognize. Poetry tells us we can not only be found by a greater world, but also enlarge ourselves to become a participating element in that new future.
The task of the poet is to articulate the “it” in our lives, or our society’s lives - whatever “it” happens to be at any given time - and to try and overhear ourselves say something from which we cannot retreat.
Great poetry tells us that the stakes in life are very high and that failure is possible, yet it does not treat living as a burden. Suffering has its place in any human life, and in many ways is inescapable, yet it is also the hallmark of our incarnation, and one of the tasks of poetry is to show us how to walk into the middle of it and make a home, thus emboldening and deepening our generosity to others."
Institute of Noetic Sciences, Clear Mind Wild Heart:
Finding Courage and Clarity through Poetry, David Whyte, poet and philosopher
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Rose Marie: Well, dear David Whyte, who I love btw, certainly describes you and what you do. Love his line "to say something from which we cannot retreat" . . . I think I come here knowing that is what I will find.
'Poet's Pulse' - I have often felt when you strip all the non-essentials away - I am but a pulsation in the universe - infinitessimally small yet at the same time an essential pulsation in the cosmos. So your poem today, speaks to understandings and intimations I have known. Thank you.
Bonnie has said what I think, too, Rose Marie. I wonder if you've touched us all with this post in this way. Thank you for the David Whyte, the fabulous picture, and the thoughts.
Dear Bonnie and Karen,
When preparing for the publication of, "The Wind And The Willow," I thought why am I so motivated to bring this forward. I answered my question in a number of ways. When however I read, "A Defence of Poetry," by Percy Bysshe Shelley, I was granted an answer that was so personally meaningful. I readily identified with Shelley's words, they brought tears to my eyes for I thought, someone knows...
"A poet is a nightingale, who sits in darkness and sings to cheer its own solitude with sweet sounds; his auditors are as men entranced by the melody of an unseen musician, who feel that they are moved and softened, yet know not whence or why."
Thank you for all the melodies you each bring to so many. Your friendship is itself a most sweet song.
At one time my life evolved around "it", when I get this, "it" will be complete, when I do that "it" will be complete. "It" is and always will be there forever so I no longer refer to anything that includes an "it". Life is so much more than that.
So enjoying The Wind and the Willow.....Hugs
Poetry, indeed, is an expression of truth, "it's", that simmer and burn under our vulnerable surfaces. You so wonderfully bring forth the truth, in all of it's meanings and put words to it that allow your reader to feel their inner most honest selves. "Thank you Rose Marie"..
Love to you
Bernie, Yes life can be ever expanding and more and more inclusive. So pleased that you are enjoying, "The Wind And The Willow."
Gail, I love your line, "...that simmer and burn under our vulnerable surfaces." Your expressions are poetic and dynamic at the same time - as I am sure this is reflective of both your strength and compassion. So good to be your blog friend. Thanks much. Much love...
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