What are you supposed to be
What of you do you let others see
Reflections, images, visions of time
Seized and cast upon a lifeline
Whose voice do you hear
What is it you fear
Markers are embraced
Life is here traced
I journey now to meet an end
Where moments past the future blend
First born daughter of seven years past
Compliance, response, obedience to last
Love takes shape in what is done
Work, labor, you deserve not fun
Your sun does rise, it does set
Reach out dear child, you may touch yet
Work to do, people to please
A longing that knows not ease
Woman I am and I am led
Searching for one and I do wed
And with now a life of two
I try to reach me anew
Yet I am not to be found
In what is all around
I once again need to shout
This is not what I am about
Heed my warning call
Least you catch me I shall fall
And so a mother I will be
With sons that number three
A need to reach, a need to know
I must recapture that gentle glow
And what I am in life's embrace
Is me, you, time and place
And what I bring to you this time
Is but a shadow of a lifeline
For what I may yet know and be
Is known by the tomorrow in me
Write your story as you go along
Yes! sing out, its your life's song.
November 5, 1980
Three decades of tomorrows now past
New markers placed and have been cast
Sons grown and gifted are you
With grandchildren that number two
Widowed you have become
And so now you live as one
Vistas of knowing have you pursued
To bring meaning to all you do
Educator, activist, advocate defined
Knowing, understanding, no longer confined
Art, music, poetry, delights newly shown
Exhibits, readings, a blog, now known
My reach to cyberspace, my son's plea
Mom, he states, ..."this is where you are to be"
What you have learned, how much you do care
Post it, blog it, it is time for you to share
So off to blog land I did decide to go
There I found others who search to know
And so this tomorrow blesses me still
Tidings within of God's loving will
Shared with you this very night
The embrace of spirit, love and light.
October 2. 2009
Rose Marie Raccioppi
Clock image courtesy of: www.grandfatherclocksite.com/
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Rose Marie: What a beautiful encapsulation of your quest to find and be your self. Amazing - the foreshadowing and knowing in your verse from 1980! And here you are, having found your way back to your light, you are now a beacon for so many others.
I feel very blessed to have found you.
Oh the words that define your journey - the roads you traveled - they are purposeful, strong, heavy, long, joyous, questioning and weaved with love. And your son knows all of you - admires you and has your heart. He is close to you - enjoying the fruits of your life. And by some miracle, I, via blogland, am close to you too - enjoying and reveling in your loving wisdom and amazing gifts and talents. I often wonder, 'why me'? :-)
Love and honor for all that you are and shsre
Bonnie, So much is happening, so much is opening, so much is at peace, in spite of all the calls to action I am responsive to, in spite of all the agenda items that require attention, in spite of all the economic challenges, in spite of the political chaos, there is a Buddha/Christ consciousness that pervades. In growing numbers, we are witnessing transformations. This evenings discussion via Face Book with a friend in Brisbane, Australia, focused on the awareness of this transformation and the readiness that is growing, "I believe consciousness is now ready to move into the 3rd domain of the evolution of the Planet and full alignment of all 3 aspects of consciousness. ~Mankind has come through the Physical low-self survival and we are coming out of the Ego Mind mid-self intellectualization & are already moving into the Spirit High-Self experiential responsibility."
The latter is our new playing field. I know Bonnie, you have gathered enough to be a full player in the game present. Time In! I look forward to our being playmates!!
Gail, What I posted in response to Bonnie applies to you as well. You too, have traveled, questioned, pursued and traveled again along transformations road, negotiated the detours, and took to home, time and time again. This is our time to negotiate the terms of our ticket. Does it bring us where we want to go - or is it a trip distancing ourselves from our true SELF. I have had to cash in my ticket several times before I became assured of my destination.
What a wonderful post! I felt sad while reading the first poem you wrote in 1980, but happily tagged along during your second poem! Great! No longer confined!!!
Rain, Yes, freedom is a most welcomed call. This liberation of Self is so beautifully evident in your shared transformations. Pleased to be sharing the path.
Heh, I know all about cashing in partially used tickets. Some I look back on with regret but the majority of those abandoned partially used tickets I'm glad I punched the eject button on them.
Loved this post. The older I get, the better I feel. Cheers to living and learning!
Oh and LOVING too!
Well you see dear Confessions, a whole lot of confessing going on... cashing in old tickets for a new ride is the way to go. Different trip, different fare, different arrival and a whole new outlook. Thanks for stopping by - you are always a welcomed pleasure.
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