Friday, August 6, 2021



Since 7 years of age I have been guided in my explorations, studies, discoveries, that have come to be of benefit to self and others. Several years ago I availed myself of the writing of Marsilio Ficino, (1433-1499) "Meditation on the Soul, Selected letters of Marsilio Ficino." Several references were made to a state he called, "Divine Frenzy," a state of heightened inspiration, commitment, and vision of purpose in fulfillment.

It was indeed comforting to read Ficino 's words for they were descriptive of my own experience when a new charge of purpose became known to self. YES, a "divine frenzy," indeed. I took to palette and brush and put forth a watercolor aligned with the, "divine frenzy, '' put forth by Ficino, as here presented. The elation, as I experienced, was codified by words, as here presented. 


Wrapped in the rapture of consciousness unbridled 
set aflame with an insatiable fire  
the knowing that calls to soul
this the exaltation of BEING.

"And when, after having divested yourself of your mortal body, you arrive at the most pure ether, you shall be a God."  ~Pythagoras

compliance gives way to creative freedom
restriction gives way to expansive understanding
confinement gives way to total liberation
doubt gives way to boundless faith
judgment gives way to BEING
DIVINE FRENZY the breath of soul
spirit winds aflame
cloak of mortal clothing shed
flaring breath of soul as SELF known
alignment, resonance with earth, water, fire, air, either
sacred interplay of sound, light and spirit
ascension real, ascension real.

Rose Marie Raccioppi
Poet Laureate
Orangetown, New York

Divine Frenzy, APOGEE Art, 
©Rose Marie Raccioppi, 2000 - 2021.

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