Friday, September 6, 2019

A glance away...

in haiku reflection

alchemic it is 
nature in frivolity 
but a glance away.

A  glance away...

To the left of my computer desk, on the second floor of my home, is a window that overlooks a garden of green. Closest is the Dogwood Tree with its amber, gold and red leaves, heralding the coming days of Fall. To the left and right of the Dogwood is bamboo, and further back are oak trees, and pine trees of many seasons.  Here I,  above ground, as the afternoon winds blow, branches bearing leaves sway in lilting grace. Quietude fills my space, and all of nature’s frivolity is but a glance away.

As a young child I would look to the sky for solace, for what I perceived to be GOD,  and unconditional love, for God gave the same sky to me, as HE did to kings and queens. What was on high was to be untouched by hands, to remain pure in its intent, to be where GOD choose to be. In a city wrought with ceaseless activity, I imagined myself in a choir of angels singing sweetly as did the songbirds perched in trees on high.

In reflection, in reverence, I behold the world on high, the tall trees that ascend to spaces above Earth’s ground,  to the nourishment of the sun, the fires that sustain, of the rain, the waters that refresh, of the moving currents of air, the breath of life itself.

YES, quietude fills my space, and all of nature’s frivolity is but a glance away.

Rose Marie Raccioppi
Poet Laureate
Orangetown, New York

Photo: A glance away, CAR Collectible Clicks, ©Rose Marie Raccioppi, 2019.

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