Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Baskets Brimming

Baskets brimming now sit before you
Cranberries of such brilliant red hue
Wash and sort and place in a deep pot
Add orange juice, a bit of water, not a lot
Cook slowly and for that added touch
Maple syrup for sweetness, not too much
Cinnamon a sprinkle or two or three
Such sumptuous savor does surely please me
Thick and chunky a most delicious preparation
Cranberry sauce, a yesterday, a now, in celebration.

Rose Marie Raccioppi

Cranberries, Photo, Dayna McIsaac.

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Bernie said...

It wouldn't be a great turkey dinner without cranberry sauce, I have never used maple syurp but it sounds very good......loved your poem.
Sorry I haven't been around the past few days, I was (am) having trouble with blogger....will catch up soon.......:-) Hugs

Karen said...

I love this, Rose Marie. It feels so happy and celebrates both nature's bounty and our ability to appreciate it. It feels perfect for now.

Rose Marie Raccioppi said...

Bernie, Pleased that you came by. I agree, cranberry sauce does add its own special magic. Feel good HUGS set your way.

Rose Marie Raccioppi said...

Karen, November with its Fall offerings and its introduction to the Winter ahead, does call for warm, sweet, gatherings of bounty and gratitude. I concur, "It feels perfect for now." Thank You.

Gail said...

And I LOVE cranberry sauce too! The picture is perfect and I think the simple recipe is perfect as well. I can smell the spice and taste the sweet and the pungent too - a wonderful blend of deep rich color and flavor - mmmmmmmmmm Every sense is happy. :-)

Love to you my gifted friend

Rose Marie Raccioppi said...

Gail, We have lots of GOOD things cooking in our lives! HUGS to you for all the bounty we share!

justdoodleit said...

Very eloquent, cooking was never so poetic!

Rose Marie Raccioppi said...

justdoodleit, Thank you, I have others on the burner - soon to be served!