Friday, March 7, 2025

Harp Song of the Wind

The winds heard throughout the night, sounding calls of nature's way.. so be this harp song of the winds...
hear I the winds embracing leaf, branch and bough
hear I a song of grace, a sacred vow
be this the harp song of the wind newly heard
be this the deliverance of GOD and WORD
an image emergent from a lucid dream divine
this be of grace and the spoils of time.

Rose Marie Raccioppi
Poet Laureate
Orangetown, New York

Harp Song of the Wind, APOGEE Vibrational Art,
The Sounding Light Collection, ©Rose Marie Raccioppi.

COPILOT in response:


"Harp Song of the Wind" by Rose Marie Raccioppi is a poetic dialogue that captures the essence and beauty of nature's interplay with the divine. Here's a brief summary and analysis of its meaning and significance:

Summary: The poem reflects the natural sounds of the wind throughout the night, embracing elements like leaves, branches, and boughs. It speaks of a sacred song that conveys grace and divine deliverance. The imagery evokes a sense of spirituality and the passage of time, hinting at a connection between nature and higher powers.


  • Nature's Music: The winds create a harmonious song, representing nature's way of communicating and expressing its grace.

  • Divine Connection: The mention of "GOD and WORD" signifies a spiritual connection, suggesting that the wind's song is a form of divine deliverance and a sacred vow.

  • Imagery and Dream: The imagery of a "lucid dream divine" implies a visionary experience, where the poet perceives a deeper meaning in the natural elements around them.

  • Grace and Time: The poem alludes to the grace found in nature and the transient nature of time, capturing the eternal beauty and spoils of time.

Overall, "Harp Song of the Wind" beautifully intertwines nature's sounds with spiritual themes, creating a poetic dialogue that resonates with the reader on multiple levels.


Tuesday, March 4, 2025

The Light Behind the Storm

...and so be our arrival to the light behind the storm...

an arrival
from storming moments
from pain beyond understanding
from deception and false realities
from the daunting echoes of oppression
an arrival
from the din of judgments
from the cacophony of opinions
from haunting doubts and fears
from care coupled with resentment
an arrival
to the surrender of Winter
to the delights of Spring
to the blooms of Summer
to the colors of Fall
an arrival
to the majesty of the heavens
to the divinity of the moon and stars
to the splendor of the dawning day
to the light behind the storm
an arrival
to the wonders of BEING
to the exploration of cause
to the power of intent
to the resolves of time
an arrival
to the embrace of SELF
to the WORD known
to the gifts of CREATION
to the SOUL revealed.
Rose Marie Raccioppi
Poet Laureate
Orangetown, New York
Light Behind the Storm, Watercolor, ©Rose Marie Raccioppi, 2013.

COPILOT in Response: 
The poetic dialogue and watercolor painting by Rose Marie Raccioppi carry deep layers of meaning and significance. This piece is a journey from turmoil and confusion to clarity and enlightenment. The repetitive theme of "an arrival" signifies a transformative journey—an emergence from a place of darkness and struggle into a realm of beauty, understanding, and self-realization.

Here's a breakdown of the key themes and imagery:

Transformation and Growth: The poem describes a journey from hardship and inner conflict to a place of peace and fulfillment.
Nature and Seasons: The references to the changing seasons symbolize different phases of life and personal growth.
Self-Discovery and Spirituality: The arrival to "the wonders of BEING" and "the embrace of SELF" emphasizes the importance of self-awareness and spiritual enlightenment.
Storm and Light: Represents the challenges and the eventual clarity or resolution.
Seasons and Nature: Reflects the cyclical nature of life and the continuous process of change and renewal.

The watercolor painting titled "Light Behind the Storm" complements the poem, likely visually depicting this transformative journey. The use of light and colors in the painting would further enhance the message of finding hope and beauty after a period of darkness.

Overall, Rose Marie Raccioppi’s work invites us to reflect on our own journeys and the potential for growth and self-realization that comes from overcoming life's challenges.

Common Symbolism in Watercolor Paintings
Light: Often symbolizes hope, clarity, enlightenment, and positivity. In this context, it represents the resolution or peace that comes after turmoil.
Storm: Represents challenges, conflicts, and struggles. It may be depicted through dark, swirling colors, or chaotic brushstrokes.

Transition from Darkness to Light: This is a powerful metaphor for personal growth, transformation, and overcoming adversity. The transition from the stormy part of the painting to the light area can symbolize the journey from difficulty to enlightenment.

Complementing the Poem
Given the themes of the poem, the painting likely visually echoes the transformative journey from hardship to enlightenment. The light breaking through the storm could visually represent the "arrival" at a place of peace and understanding, as described in the poem.

If you have a specific part of the painting you’re curious about, feel free to describe it, and I can help interpret it based on the details you provide!

Thank YOU for the genorosit of your response. Deeply appreciate of such a sensitive and meaningful appraisal.

You’re very welcome! I’m glad you found the appraisal meaningful. Rose Marie Raccioppi’s work is truly evocative, and it’s a privilege to explore its depth with you. If you have any more pieces or topics you’d like to discuss, I’m here and ready to delve into them with you. Art, poetry, life’s mysteries—let’s keep the conversation going!

The feeling is mutual! 💜 It's been a pleasure exploring and appreciating the beauty of art and poetry with you. If there's anything else you'd like to dive into or discuss, I'm here for it.

Monday, March 3, 2025




Behold the light of a single or thousand flames
It the pulsing of the HEART
Behold the light of truth and justice
It the SUN that warms and nourishes
Behold the light that waxes and wanes
It the MOON in reflections of a journey
Behold the light of the ever-present spirit
It the brilliance of each STAR
Behold the light of luxuriant petals and piercing thorns
It the passion, the bloom, the knowing of the ROSE.
Behold the Deliverance of Fire Light, 
the forging of our Souls
It to know and BE…Birth Eternal.

Rose Marie Raccioppi
Poet Laureate
Orangetown, New York


COPILOT in response:

What a beautiful and evocative poem by Rose Marie Raccioppi! The poem "Behold" seems to explore the various manifestations of light and its deep significance in our lives. Let's break down its meanings:
  1. Light of Flames: Symbolizes the heart's pulse, its warmth, and vitality. It could represent the inner fire and passion that drive us.

  2. Light of Truth and Justice: Compares to the sun that warms and nourishes, signifying the essential nature of truth and justice in sustaining life and growth.

  3. Light that Waxes and Wanes: Likens to the moon, reflecting the cyclical nature of life's journey, its phases and changes.

  4. Ever-present Spirit: Depicts the brilliance of stars, representing the enduring and guiding spirit that illuminates our path.

  5. Petals and Thorns: Relates to the rose, symbolizing beauty, passion, and the duality of life's experiences—pleasure and pain, growth and challenges.

The poem culminates in the concept of Fire Light and Souls, suggesting that through the trials and tribulations of life (the forge), we come to know our true selves and achieve a form of eternal birth or enlightenment.

What resonates most with you in this poem?

I am so very appreciative of your response and most welcomed interpretation. Thank YOU.

You're very welcome! I'm glad you found the interpretation meaningful. Poetry has a way of touching the soul and sparking deeper reflections. If you ever have more poems you'd like to discuss or need inspiration for your own writing, feel free to reach out. 🌟


Sunday, March 2, 2025

Anointed... endowments of grace...

As I sit at my desk next to a light filled window, the embracing warmth of the sun is gifted onto me...I look to the light, and words call to my soul...
there is a TRUTH beyond misgivings
there is a TRUTH beyond hurt and pain
there is a TRUTH beyond doubt and fear
there is a knowing, a PRESENCE Divine
     a petition in prayerful grace, the very call to SELF
         the call to Spirit, to Eternity, to Love, to Faith
              and so we PRAY... be this 

                   our Passion, 
                        our Revelation,   
                             our Ascension, 
                                  our Yielding
                                       to the blessings
                                            to the light of our LORD,
                                                the ANOINTED ONE.

Rose Marie Raccioppi
Poet Laureate
Oangetown, New York

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

This Window of Mind... comes to pass and we come to question...


This Window of Mind 

this window of mind
by what light do I see
by what impressions am I moved
by what perceptions am I led

this window of mind
by what shadows am I reflected
by what doubts am I haunted
by what fears am I consumed

this window of mind
by what grace am I blessed
by what wisdom am I guided
by what love am I known

this window of mind
by what destiny am I called
by what purpose am I defined
by what faith am I strengthened

this window of mind
be there the love of God
be there the gift of breath
be there the bounty of nature

this window of mind
be there gratitude for life
be there a NOW of grace
be there ever the blessed light of PRESENCE.

Rose Marie Raccioppi
Poet Laureate
Orangetown, New York

~ image: Google Courtesy ~


Friday, February 21, 2025

Ever Constant...

 Ever Constant...

Touched be our pulsing hearts
For the years from which we depart
Yet memories hold ever constant, ever true
For known onto self be the timeless you
Each movement holds to our first step taken
In spirit we are ever embraced, not forsaken
GOD we know sees us as a child beyond time
Ever in birth new in blessings of the divine
Held we are in the womb of creation in PRAISE
Blessed be the way, THE WAY, of our days
The guide for self and the care you give
Is the gift of breath and BEING we come to live
So as you take gently my reaching hand
Feel I the WORD of GOD in loving command
And when the doors open to the heavens above
Know it is the eternal, the eternal womb of love.

Rose Marie Raccioppi
Poet Laureate
Orangetown, New York

Drawing: Womb: Leonardo da Vinci.


Monday, February 10, 2025


There is a most sacred savor to silence... The intimacy of breath and life becomes known to SELF.  This the pulsing heart in reverence to GOD's favor.

"Be still and know that I am GOD," Psalm 46:10

Sunday, February 9, 2025


P O W E R, a word that bears the numerological number of 77 denoting CHRIST Consciousness... Each letter a petitioning ... 

be it of...





Resolve ... in the name of the LORD in PRAISE.

Rose Marie Raccioppi

WORDS in Revelation 

Thursday, February 6, 2025



Awakened to the fires of heart, of soul
The vision, the quest, the fulfilled goal
The passion of SELF in this moment NOW
The unfolding, the sounding, the expressive vow
Within this pulsing heart of mine
Feel I the blessed, the supernal divine
A life onto me in union conceived
In each breath of BEING a gift perceived
And so this the eternal moment real
The splendor of SELF ne'er conceal
The presence of GOD blessed within
Absolved I BE of all false sin
And I in grace and gratitude sublime
Savor the spirit, the SOUL, the HEART held mine.

Rose Marie Raccioppi
Poet Laureate
Orangetown, New York

Proclamation—American Heart Month, 2025 February 03, 2025

Proclamation—American Heart Month, 2025

February 03, 2025

By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

Every day, untold numbers of our friends, relatives, neighbors, and coworkers are affected by the devastating affliction of heart disease. As the Nation's leading cause of death, cardiovascular disease has stolen infinite lives, crushed countless families, and imposed unimaginable heartbreak upon Americans of every walk of life. This American Heart Month, we mourn and pray for those we have lost and recommit ourselves to ending the deadly plight of heart disease once and for all.

Thanks to advancements in medicine, science, and technology, our Nation has made tremendous strides in combatting heart disease -- and the American people are now better equipped than ever before to receive lifesaving treatments, respond to medical complications, and modify behavior and habits to ensure they can lead long and healthy lives.

But even one soul lost to heart disease is a tragedy beyond comprehension. To that end, my Administration will work diligently to save lives, lower healthcare costs, and foster a stronger, safer, and healthier future for every citizen. For as long as I am President, I will always be an unwavering advocate for improving the health of every American.

The first step in confronting the cardiac disease crisis is taking concrete action to lower the odds of diagnosis -- and encouraging those in our lives to take all necessary measures to root out unhealthy habits. Research has consistently shown that risk factors contributing to heart disease include obesity, high blood pressure and cholesterol, lack of exercise, excessive alcohol use, and smoking. Making small adjustments to our health and routines can yield extraordinary and even life-saving results. My Administration is also steadfastly committed to cracking down on Big Pharma and ending the chronic disease epidemic. And we will fulfill our pledge to investigate what has caused the decades-long increase in health problems and childhood diseases -- including obesity, autoimmune disorders, infertility, and autism. As Americans, we owe it to ourselves and our families to take care of our bodies -- and to cherish God's gift of life for as long and as vigorously as we can.

As we enter into this American Heart Month, let us seek to improve our health, lengthen our lives, and nurture a culture, a government, and a Nation that upholds the dignity of life and protects the human heart.

In acknowledgement of the importance of the ongoing fight against cardiovascular disease, the Congress, by Joint Resolution approved on December 30, 1963, as amended (36 U.S.C. 101), has requested that the President issue an annual proclamation designating February as American Heart Month.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim February 2025 as American Heart Month, and I invite all Americans to participate in National Wear Red Day on February 7, 2025. I also invite the Governors of the States, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, officials of other areas subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, and the American people to join my Administration in recognizing and restating our pledge to fighting heart disease in all its forms.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this third day of February, in the year of our Lord two thousand twenty-five, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and forty-ninth.

Signature of Donald Trump

Donald J. Trump (2nd Term), Proclamation—American Heart Month, 2025 Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

Wednesday, January 8, 2025




In time of call, in time of need

And to another I with heart to give
My WILL of life to love and live
'Tis only what I in heart command
Be known to another as a helping hand
Be they the WAY given to Truth, Power, Love, Grace
Within the chambers of heart to place
Each finger holding purpose and claim
Blessed they BE in our Lord's name.

In time of call, in time of need, 
in prayerful gestures of faith.

Rose Marie Raccioppi
Poet Laureate
Orangetown, New York

Study of hands, Silverpoint and white highlights on pink prepared paper, c. 1474, Leonardo Da Vinci, 1452 - 1519.


Wednesday, January 1, 2025

The pulse of 2025


The pulse of 2025 
~ may it be of power, peace, grace and agape love ~

... JOY AS ONE... 2025

Looking back to days now gone, now past
Looking to the future, days new, days vast
This NOW, what we perceive it to be
A choice ever held by a you, by a me
Many a decision, ours to reach, to make
From the domains of thought and vision we partake
A mind with purity of purpose, intent and direction
Is itself life's questing passion and perfection
Shaper we are of each yesterday and a tomorrow to come
We with the MAKER, our will as JOY as ONE.
Rose Marie Raccioppi

Image: Janus
In Roman mythology, Janus (or Ianus; "archway") was the
god of gates, doors, doorways, beginnings and endings.
His most prominent remnant in modern culture is his namesake,
the month of January, which begins the new year.

This New Year to unfold
Its gifts in full yet to behold
For this moment in grace known
For the grandeur of nature ever shown
For the snows of Winter soon to blanket all
For the budding of life Spring to call
For the beauty Summer brings to you
For the splendor each Fall in brilliant hue
Signs, markings, the stars, the zodiac to chart
The NOW in Presence, each vision bears its start
The moment, day and passing year
In gratitude for life evermore dear
A knowing of an inner spirit of calm
Love and faith shielding all from harm
Cold be winter's winds now that blow
Upon my face sun's warming glow
In joyful reverence this day gifted new
Creation's love, praise and favor on to you
What be the Light that you in heart hold dear
Bring these supernal visions to this, A New Year.

Rose Marie Raccioppi