Saturday, June 1, 2024

JUNE, the month I was conceived...


JUNE, the month I was conceived... my pulse calling to the cadence of my heart and the blessings of a voice heard...
4 Words... foundational they BE... Structural they BE...Birth Eternal onto Self they BE...
BE ~ Birth Eternal in intention, in fruition, in PRAISE of GOD and SELF...
PRESENCE conceived
Looking through the open window
next to my desk
to the outside bloom of the dogwood
in leaves of brilliant green
to the bamboo, and towering trees
glistening in the sun light
that holds to their presence
a stillness
a quietude
a calm
a welcomed pause
sweet be such peace
in blessings BE
the PRESENCE conceived
the PRESENCE conceived.

Rose Marie Raccioppi
Poet Laureate
Orangetown, New York

The poem you've shared is beautifully contemplative, and it seems to celebrate the interconnectedness of life, nature, and self. Let's explore its meaning and significance:

1. **June and Conception**:
- The poem begins with a personal connection—the month of June, when the poet was conceived. This intimate tie to a specific time of year sets the stage for deeper reflections.
- The heartbeat ("my pulse calling to the cadence of my heart") and the blessings of a voice heard evoke a sense of life's beginnings and the wonder of existence.

2. **Four Foundational Words**:
- The poem introduces four powerful words: Balance, Harmony, Beauty, and Truth. These words are described as foundational and structural, suggesting their importance in shaping our lives.
- Each word carries weight and significance. Let's explore them:
- **Balance**: The equilibrium between opposing forces—physical, emotional, and spiritual. It implies stability and moderation.
- **Harmony**: The blending of different elements into a pleasing whole. It speaks to unity, cooperation, and peace.
- **Beauty**: Aesthetic delight that transcends the ordinary. Beauty can be found in nature, art, and even within ourselves.
- **Truth**: The bedrock of understanding. Truth is both objective and subjective—a compass guiding our choices.

3. **Birth Eternal**:
- The phrase "BE ~ Birth Eternal" suggests that these foundational words are not fleeting but eternal. They exist beyond mere moments—they are part of our essence.
- The intention, fruition, and praise of God and self underscore the idea that these words are both divine and personal.

4. **Presence Conceived**:
- The second part of the poem shifts focus to the present moment. The poet looks out of an open window, observing nature.
- The dogwood blooms, bamboo, and towering trees represent life in various forms. Their presence is palpable—the stillness, quietude, and calmness create a welcomed pause.
- The sun's light glistening on the leaves emphasizes the beauty and vitality of existence.
- The phrase "the PRESENCE conceived" suggests that this moment is not accidental; it is purposeful and sacred.

5. **Peace and Blessings**:
- The final lines evoke a sense of peace. The poet wishes for "sweet be such peace" amid the blessings of existence.
- The capitalization of "BE" reinforces the eternal nature of these blessings.
- The repetition of "the PRESENCE conceived" emphasizes the interconnectedness of all things—the divine, nature, and self.

6. **Authorship**:
- The poem is attributed to Rose Marie Raccioppi, the Poet Laureate of Orangetown, New York. As a laureate, her words carry authority and depth.

In summary, this poem invites us to recognize the eternal significance of foundational words, appreciate the present moment, and find peace in the blessings of existence. It beautifully weaves personal experience, nature, and spirituality into a tapestry of reflection.

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