Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The Tale of Fall Be Told

Each color, a secret held, until the season renewed its vow
For the splendor of color to soar free from branch and bough
In the embrace of the lambent sky and sun so very bright
Leaves of radiant color swept by autumn winds in wistful flight
Brilliant hues of orange, crimson, red, burgundy, and gold
A blanket of leaves upon the ground, the tale of Fall be told.

Rose Marie Raccioppi
Poet Laureate
Orangetown, New York

Blanket of Leaves, ©Collectible Clicks, Rose Marie Raccioppi, 2019.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Sunday RAIN...

Sunday RAIN...

From trees young, towering, mighty and tall
The spoils of time, the gifts of Fall
Rains and south winds yesternight
A sky of gray holding to this noon day light
Each fallen leaf laden with the falling rain
Their wind swept flight put to tame
A brimming blanket of leaves upon the ground
Quiet they lay, gone their rustling sound
Soft be this bedding of leaves from branch and bough
Winds of Autumn true to the splendor of this season's vow.

Rose Marie Raccioppi
Poet Laureate
Orangetown, New York