Thursday, November 8, 2012

...and so it is a storm anew in Tappan, New York Tenderness and Temper

Tenderness and Temper

A gossamer veil of wind, snow and light
Settled and cloaked in crystal strokes of white
So delicate be these touches upon fallen branches and bough
Beauty shall we behold be the storm's silent vow
Fury and calm be the mood of Nature at hand
Ask  I what forces be there presently in command
Listen I to the night winds of November's storming path
Hear I that a new dawning awaits beyond the wind's wrath
Cold be the night as gusting winds from the north do blow
Pristine be the falling and wind swept snow
Tenderness and temper be this night's domain
Nature's province in storming splendor holds its special claim.

Rose Marie Raccioppi
Poet Laureate
Tappan, New York

Photo, CAR, ©Rose Marie Raccioppi, Collectible Clicks, 2012.


Gail said...

DEAR ROSEMARIE - such a beautiful picture atop your crystal poetic words of snow's mystery and purity within the winds and forces of nature's intent, known only to her. Our world was blanketed, swirled, turned upside down and then laid heavy with layers of wet snow on branches and roof tops. I felt the strength, was fearful and delighted all at once - strangely ,y powerlessness was comforting - I needed only to have faith....
Love Gail

Rose Marie Raccioppi said...

Thank You Gail, Safety has its own special sweetness... much love on to you and yours... stay safe...