Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Bernini ~ TRUTH

The first cry of a child
Its tender grasp and soft touch
Its reaching for life's embrace
Truth the calling of the soul
Its longing for the Oneness of Being
Its ever present quest of the Divine
Truth the will of Creation
Its expression in the soul of humanity
Its line, form, structure of the sublime
Truth the revelation of beauty
Its ever present call be it known
By the hand with God's Grace shown.

Rose Marie Raccioppi

La Verita, TRUTH, White marble 1646-52, Galleria Borghese, Rome, Gianlorenzo Bernini, 1598-1680.


Wondering Soul said...

So beautiful, Rose Marie.

Rose Marie Raccioppi said...

Thank You dear Wonderingsoul - we can be heard dear friend. Love ever on to you.