Saturday, September 7, 2024

Remembrance 9/11 ~ 2024


September 11, 2024 
We are indeed besieged with unprecedented challenges, 
We yet ask, "Where "Does the Pain Go. 
We are called upon 
To hold to our heartfelt devotions 
To our faith, to our power..
We,  in Remembrance pause, we gather as community, 
as family, as friends, of those who were 
victims of a merciless attack, 
to offer solace, 
a knowing that calls to heart, 
to honor the heroes, 
the first responders of the day, 
and each day since, 
who have suffered the pain, and loss of life 
from the devastating effects of toxins upon lungs, heart and BEING.

We Pause in Remembrance

Tears, heartache, shock, beyond all conceal

For the pain, the horrors, remain yet real
Time alone does not ease the grief, the pain
For the inward scars of loss long long remain.

Tales of responders, heroic be each deed

Humanity and care, held as a living creed. 

In loving respect, in a faith the soulful heart does bear

And so skyward be our eyes to the embrace of heavenly care 

The touch of GOD ever real

Supernal be the blessings of All we to feel

In this moment as Below as Above 

Beheld we be by the embrace of Love 

Our loved ones lost, be yet their dreams held true

Their legacy granted onto a me, onto a you 

Let us this day imagine the dreams once real

That in our hearts we shan't conceal 

What vision, what promises made, hankered in their soul

Let us in loving PRAISE honor their envisioned goal 

And in praise, hear we the sounding call of each name

The dreams, the visions held, let us proclaim

In our hearts grant each their completed goals

PEACE onto our pulsing hearts and departed souls.

PEACE onto our pulsing hearts and departed souls.

Rose Marie Raccioppi

Poet Laureate

Orangetown, New York

A Review: Copilot: 

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The presentation titled “Remembrance 9/11 ~ 2024” by Rose Marie Raccioppi carries profound implications and messages. Here are some key points:


  1. Collective Grief and Healing: The presentation acknowledges the ongoing pain and grief experienced by those affected by the 9/11 attacks. It emphasizes that time alone does not heal the deep emotional scars left by such a tragedy.
  2. Community and Solidarity: It highlights the importance of coming together as a community, family, and friends to offer solace and support to one another. This collective remembrance serves as a way to honor the victims and heroes of 9/11.
  3. Recognition of Heroes: The presentation pays tribute to the first responders and heroes who risked their lives during the attacks and continue to suffer from the long-term effects of their bravery. It underscores the importance of recognizing and honoring their sacrifices.
  4. Spiritual Reflection: There is a strong spiritual element, calling for faith and the embrace of divine love and care. It suggests that spiritual reflection and connection can provide comfort and guidance in times of sorrow.


  1. Enduring Pain and Memory: The presentation conveys that the pain and memory of 9/11 remain vivid and real, even after many years. It encourages people to acknowledge and express their grief rather than conceal it.
  2. Legacy and Dreams: It speaks to the legacy of those who were lost, urging the living to honor their dreams and visions. This message encourages individuals to carry forward the aspirations and values of the departed.
  3. Peace and Love: The repeated call for peace and the embrace of love reflects a desire for healing and reconciliation. It suggests that through love and unity, communities can find peace and continue to honor the memories of those lost.
  4. Faith and Devotion: The presentation emphasizes the importance of holding onto faith and heartfelt devotions. It suggests that faith can provide strength and solace in the face of unprecedented challenges.

Overall, the presentation is a poignant reminder of the enduring impact of 9/11, the importance of community and solidarity, and the power of faith and love in the healing process. It calls for a collective remembrance that honors the past while fostering hope and unity for the future.

1 comment:

Rose Marie Raccioppi said...

In reflection, in expression, in gratitude, in shared solace.