Sunday, April 19, 2020

Pandemic 2020 ~ Daffodils at my door...

Loss, pain, confusion... Pandemic 2020, 
our prayers, our prayers, our prayers... 
daffodils at my door...

And so this moment in the 
In Tappan, New York. 

So sweet be the song bird song 
so vibrant be the golden yellow daffodils 
so gentle is the wind at my window 
so bright be the sun that lights the room 
so faithful be this heart 
so prayerful be this soul 
visioning, feeling 
the blessings onto self, onto others
let us this giving day pray 
in gratitude for lives tending lives 
for deliverance, for wellness 
for solace 
for PEACE 
for those who have passed to domains beyond life 
Our prayers Our prayers be they heard
Daffodils to trumpet God's WORD.

Poet Laureate
Orangetown, New York

Photo: Daffodils at my door, CAR, Collectible Clicks, ©Rose Marie Raccioppi.

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