Monday, March 30, 2020

A Flutter of Wings ... message received Dear Nicholas...

A flutter of wings at my window be heard
A Cardinal, bears she Spirit’s WORD
So telling be her beauty and grace
Holding to heart, to heart’s loving place
A spirited Soul, Heaven has received
PEACE, PEACE, in glory perceived
This very moment, her fluttering wings in sounding love
At my window, a message from the Heavens above
PEACE, now in Heaven’s embrace
PEACE, now within our hearts to place.

Rose Marie Raccioppi
Poet Laureate

Photo: Jim McCormac


Gail said...

RoseMarie - it is so lovely to "see" you here still. I have been away from my blog for a while and just recently have brought it back to life. Your writing still inspires and gives hope and courage. I share and hold dearly your sentiments of cardinals - through them my Mom has visited me many mornings <3

Love Gail,

Rose Marie Raccioppi said...

Thank You Gail. A beloved BEING, young in years, passed. Sighting of visitations have followed. Today's morning hour was filled with the sweet sounding of fluttering wings at my kitchen window, a new visitation this very day, again at the noon hour. Feeling so magically blessed.

Take care, stay well.

Rose Marie