Wednesday, March 12, 2014

THE WORD in hymn, in artistry divine, in the glory of BEING. ~ Św. Jan Chrzciciel - St. John the Baptist - cz.1/3 - Hymn: Ut Queant Laxis


Blessed Be These Endowments

the pulsing heart
the soaring spirit
the held grace
the gift of expression
the hand that gives
the truth that reveals
this be THE WORD in PRESENCE known
THE WORD in hymn, in artistry divine, in the glory of BEING.

Rose Marie Raccioppi
Poet Laureate
Orangetown, New York


1. Ut queant laxis resonáre fibris Mira gestórum fámuli tuórum, Solve pollúti lábii reátum, Sancte Joánnes. 

2. Núntius celso véniens Olýmpo Te patri magnum fore nascitúrum, Nomen, et vitae sériem geréndae Ordinae promit.

3. Ille promíssi dúbius supérni, Pérdidit promptae módulos loquélae: Sed reformásti genitus perémptae Organa vocis.

4. Ventris obstrúso récubans cubíli Sénseras Regem thálamo manéntem: Hinc parens nati méritis utérque Abdita pandit.

5. Sit decus Patri, genitaéque Proli et tibi, compare utriúsque virtus, Spíritus semper, Deus unus, omni Témporis aevo. Amen.

1. O for your spirit, holy John, to chasten Lips sin-polluted, fettered tongues to loosen; So by your children might your deeds of wonder Meetly be chanted.

2. Lo! a swift herald, from the skies descending, Bears to your father promise of your greatness; How he shall name you, what your future story, Duly revealing.

3. Scarcely believing message so transcendent, Him for a season power of speech forsaketh, Till, at your wondrous birth, again returneth, Voice to the voiceless.

4. You, in your mother's womb all darkly cradled, Knew your great Monarch, biding in His chamber, Whence the two parents, through their offspring's merits, Mysteries uttered.

5. Praise to the Father, to the Son begotten, And to the Spirit, equal power possessing, One God whose glory, through the lapse of ages, Ever resounding. Amen.

Activity Source: Roman Ritual, The, Complete Edition by Philip T. Weller, S.T.D., The Bruce Publishing Company, Milwaukee, WI, 1964


Margie said...

I felt a deep sense of peace listening to the hymn and reading your poem.
May you always be blessed, Rose Marie.

Rose Marie Raccioppi said...

Thank You Margie, yes, that feeling of peace is very much the heart in harmonic resonance... this has been deemed to be in the restorative frequency of 528 Hz... the frequency of the Heart and Divine Love. Blog posts on speak to this. Much love and well being on to you dear Margie.