Sunday, February 13, 2011

Balakirev Islamey performed 'live' by pianist Sandro Russo

Sandro Plays...

one feels
one perceives
one is moved
by the sounding passions
by the lilting hues
by sensibilities awakened
it is Sandro who plays
who defines mood and emotion
the feel of Presence
in full expression
in full artistry
piano piano
a soaring rapture
it is Sandro who plays
BRAVO dear Sandro

Rose Marie Raccioppi
Sandro Russo Pianista
Poetessa N.Y.
Poet Laureate

Sandro Russo » listening room


Rose Marie Raccioppi said...

Sandro Russo Concert Pianist

"Widely acclaimed for his profound sense of poetry and distinctive style, Sandro Russo has performed for audiences around the world. He has unanimously received accolades for his sparkling virtuosity, and his playing has often been referred to as a throwback to the grand tradition of elegant pianism and beautiful sound."

Anonymous said...

I agree with the I was watching him play I felt he was a poet who writes in music, just as you are a poet who writes in words. Bravo to both of you!

Rose Marie Raccioppi said...


Because of my admiration of Sandro's playing, when he was on tour in Italy, I became the official, SANDRO RUSSO PIANISTA, Potessa, NY. I have written several poems in dedication to his virtuosity and have had the pleasure of reading my poetic tributes at two of his outstanding performances here in New York. Loved he is!!

Happy that you enjoyed the posting.

Much love,
Rose Marie